Fixtures and Fittings – Work for the Atina Palazzo Exhibition

The culmination of our Residency in Atina is an exhibition at the Palazzo Ducale Cantelmo in Atina which opens this evening at 6 PM 11/8/14 and is open 12-13/8/14.

My work has been made at the Asilo Infantile Beatrice where all the artists are staying and where we have our studio space.  The Asilo building has been a place of work for many years and each era has brought its own technology for living and working. ‘Fixtures and Fittings’ is a series of drawings that studies these technologies. It focuses on these seemingly inanimate devices as they quietly go about their business of channelling energy; managing the flow of liquids; restraining and releasing the movement of goods and people.




FF570 catch

FF569 tap